An artistic representation of the modern city landscape.
Lasted five days.
14 Responses to “Nottingham’s REAL Graffiti”
“Nottingham’s REAL Graffiti”
That is so true!! I got a ticket just moments after seeing this on my way to work this morning! Traffic wardens are merciless parasites with no soul who foul the streets with their yellow pieces of money sucking litter.
A little cliche no?
Ha, nice. Out of towners may think its a bit random out of context: a huge parking ticket plastered to a wall but I live in Nottingham and I know how much of a pain these guys are. Haven’t we got more traffic wardens per square mile than anywhere else outside London? The money from which probably goes into the pockets of the people at the top.
Anyway, simple and effective and I agree with the point. I like your stuff and look forward to seeing more
Nice. Keep it up. Excellent in fact. Could you do something to mock all the crap crime reduction punerizing quackery signmongering? All the no drinking signs above the piles of empty beer cans… How about some Dumbwater signs or something?
I saw this for the first time today which is strange considering it’s right outside my flat. I love the vulture up the road assuming that was you too. It’s nice to know somebody else has spotted the wardens hiding on the corner of Stoney Street looking at their watch until their latest prey’s time has ran out. Keep up the fine work.
Also, was it you that dropped the c-bomb written in the snow on Market square in full view of the BBC webcam? If it wasnt and you haven’t seen the screengrab it’s on my blog.
In an ideal world cars would be banned entirely from cities. I went to Venice recently and it was completely carfree. Wonderful.
Hello, I’m 15 years old and live in the city. I am very interested in the idea of graffiti artists creating their artworks at legal painting sites.
I feel legal walls are so important because these walls are the only opportunity some of these people get to express themselves through art. In 2010 Nottingham City Council tried to ban these legal walls. By removing these walls you are giving these people a reason to paint illegally as they have nowhere they can legally express themselves and produce their art on such a large scale. Most of the young people visit these walls so that they don’t graffiti illegally and if they are closed will feel they are being punished for other vandals illegal tags and scribbles. Ask yourself what options do they have left if these walls are banned, surely it will result in illegal graffiti?
On Friday Nottingham City Council celebrated the opening of the V&A “Street Art “exhibition. It is being shown at Nottingham Castle, the first municipal museum and art gallery outside London. Only last year Jon Collins, leader of the City Council tried to ban all legal graffiti art sites, saying “Graffiti is something that residents find annoying and offensive. It is not feasible to say graffiti is OK here but not there, so the city council is clearly stating that we will not tolerate graffiti anywhere in Nottingham. ”
So has the City Council seen the light or is it a hypocrite?
What do you think is the best way for these people to use their talent?
I think its an artists responsibility to express themselves with freedom wether it be political or personal and not be silenced by the government or similar.
In my humble opinion, most graffiti/street art is allot better than seeing the everyday media marketing crap advertisements they put up on billboards …Consume, consume, consume.
“Nottingham’s REAL Graffiti”
That is so true!! I got a ticket just moments after seeing this on my way to work this morning! Traffic wardens are merciless parasites with no soul who foul the streets with their yellow pieces of money sucking litter.
A little cliche no?
Ha, nice. Out of towners may think its a bit random out of context: a huge parking ticket plastered to a wall but I live in Nottingham and I know how much of a pain these guys are. Haven’t we got more traffic wardens per square mile than anywhere else outside London? The money from which probably goes into the pockets of the people at the top.
Anyway, simple and effective and I agree with the point. I like your stuff and look forward to seeing more
Nice. Keep it up. Excellent in fact. Could you do something to mock all the crap crime reduction punerizing quackery signmongering? All the no drinking signs above the piles of empty beer cans… How about some Dumbwater signs or something?
I saw this for the first time today which is strange considering it’s right outside my flat. I love the vulture up the road assuming that was you too. It’s nice to know somebody else has spotted the wardens hiding on the corner of Stoney Street looking at their watch until their latest prey’s time has ran out. Keep up the fine work.
Also, was it you that dropped the c-bomb written in the snow on Market square in full view of the BBC webcam? If it wasnt and you haven’t seen the screengrab it’s on my blog.
Yet another gem.Nicked a copy of it to post on my corner of the web!
Great bit of work, nearly makes me want to live in Nottingham again.
Don’t get caught and keep up the good work.
A classic!!!! Love it!!! Never stop and never get caught.
Such protest is worthy. Check out this poor Nottingham driver who got a ticket:
…now tell me that fair?
Art on the streets. Make people think. Just what this great City needs.
In an ideal world cars would be banned entirely from cities. I went to Venice recently and it was completely carfree. Wonderful.
Hello, I’m 15 years old and live in the city. I am very interested in the idea of graffiti artists creating their artworks at legal painting sites.
I feel legal walls are so important because these walls are the only opportunity some of these people get to express themselves through art. In 2010 Nottingham City Council tried to ban these legal walls. By removing these walls you are giving these people a reason to paint illegally as they have nowhere they can legally express themselves and produce their art on such a large scale. Most of the young people visit these walls so that they don’t graffiti illegally and if they are closed will feel they are being punished for other vandals illegal tags and scribbles. Ask yourself what options do they have left if these walls are banned, surely it will result in illegal graffiti?
On Friday Nottingham City Council celebrated the opening of the V&A “Street Art “exhibition. It is being shown at Nottingham Castle, the first municipal museum and art gallery outside London. Only last year Jon Collins, leader of the City Council tried to ban all legal graffiti art sites, saying “Graffiti is something that residents find annoying and offensive. It is not feasible to say graffiti is OK here but not there, so the city council is clearly stating that we will not tolerate graffiti anywhere in Nottingham. ”
So has the City Council seen the light or is it a hypocrite?
What do you think is the best way for these people to use their talent?
I think its an artists responsibility to express themselves with freedom wether it be political or personal and not be silenced by the government or similar.
In my humble opinion, most graffiti/street art is allot better than seeing the everyday media marketing crap advertisements they put up on billboards …Consume, consume, consume.